Friday, December 01, 2006

Peer Pressure - Lucy, Jonathan and Kirsten

Peer pressure is at it's peak when the girls repeat Abigail in Act 3 when she is accussing Mary Warren. Even though the girls know that Abigail is doing wrong, they feel as if they have to support her decisions in order to stay in her good books, (Act 3 - pg 93.)Abigail is a very intimidating person and this is shown throughout the novel. She likes to be in charge and is usually known as a "leader"."Mary Warren : [pleading] Abby, you musn't!Abigail and all the girls: [transfixed] Abby, you musn't!Mary Warren: [to all the girls] I'm here, I'm here!Girls: I'm here, I'm here!"- This shows peer pressure as the girls feel as if they have to mimic her.Peer pressure is also shown between Hale and Proctor:"Hale: How comes it that only two are baptised?Proctor: [starts to speak, then stops, then, as though unable to restrain this] I like it not that Mr. Parris should lay his upon my baby. I see no light of God in that man. I'll not conceal it. (Act 2 - pg 54.)- This shows that Proctor is very nervous whilst answering Hale's question, showing that he feels very nervous and intimidated by him, showing peer pressure.

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