Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Yehs. It is Me.
*none of the following applies if u have already dun the mag lol*

And then we have the holiday...
There is no way this mag will b ready...
But i have alot of reeli good stuff from people to put in it..
So how about we just jiggle it a little..
And make it the not so much valentines day issue....
But more like... A february issue with the left overs from valentines day it in??
Well i think it is a good idea lmfao.

but yeh.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Well done!

Well folks,

it's all over now. It is all done but the marking. I just hope that it wasn't as awful as you all anticipated! See you next week.

Post Prelim Relief.*

Or, comiserations.
But woot.
Wasn't that fun?


I am so tired lol.


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Tomorrow's Prelim

Hi folks,

I am guessing taht since no one has posted anything this weekend taht you are all feeling super confident for tomorrow's exam. Pleased to hear it. just rememeber you all have very strong close reading skill so use them to your advantage. if you manage to get an A here it takes the pressure off the essays. Not that you should be thinking that way, but it should make you feel better about the whole situation. Remember Statement, Quotation, Analysis in every main paragraph and answer the question.

I have faith in your abilities. Just make sure you do to. You need to go in with a positive attitude and all will be fine!!!

Good luck!